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Jon Ruwolt

Gold at Mintaro!

Yes, there is Gold at Mintaro, at Martindale Estate, and at nearby locations in the NACKARA ARC which has mining significance in South Australia for Copper and Kaolin, down to Mount Crawford (see map below).

Gold Near Mintaro.


Sir— Having heard that a goldfield had been discovered near Mintaro I determined a few days ago to pay a visit to that locality. I found that it was on private property, viz. , the Martindale run, and that only four or five persons were allowed to work the ground.

I was informed that 150 oz. of gold had been got by those individuals in a very short space of time. It seems by the way the work is performed by them that they have not the slightest idea respecting that work, as they are merely scratching on the surface,

I am informed that gold has been discovered in many directions from this place within a radius of two miles, and it is a great pity that it is not proclaimed a goldfield, as no doubt if the land was properly worked -it would prove far superior to many fields that have been considered payable.

It would give employment to a number of people. It certainly must be a payable locality when scarcely a dish of earth is washed but gold is seen.

6 oz. in one nugget has been obtained as well as smaller nuggets ranging from an ounce downwards.

It is time the members for the district looked into this matter, and if possible cause the land to be proclaimed a goldfield. -- A TRAVELLER


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Victoria has thirteen goldfields that have each produced more than one million ounces (Moz) of gold. Bendigo (22 Moz) is the largest goldfield, followed by Ballarat, Castlemaine, Stawell and Woods Point-Walhalla. 

Mintaro, August 19, 1892.

About 40 diggers are at present working on the goldfield, most of whom are getting gold in small quantities, and some are making very fair wages. The best find today was 8 dwt. from four bags of dirt obtained by sinking about one foot.

Burra, August 19, 1892

Matters are not so prosperous at the Mintaro goldfield as could be wished. Several residents of the Burra who left some time ago to give the place a trial have returned.

They say there will be little done until the government declare the place a goldfield under the Mining on Private Property Act, as only about 80 acres are open at present, and the men are not allowed to search for gold outside this area.

Many of the men have a better opinion of other places which are closed to them. Several parties are getting gold in small quantities, but in but very few cases are the finds anything like payable.


June 28.— Diggers on Mr. W. T. Mortlock's Martindale estate are reported to be doing fairly well. Although no sensational finds take place, an occasional good day is experienced, and the perseverance of the fossicker is rewarded.

A number of residents fired by the virtue of the divining rod (which has just been introduced into the locality with good results) are busily engaged on the goldfield in the hope of finding the reef which no doubt exists.

It is many years since the first discovery of gold was made on Martindale estate, and the general appearance of the ground for some distance bears testimony to the amount of pros-pecting which has been carried on at different times.


August 4. — Owing to the wet weather gold digging has been on the wane for the past fortnight, but prospectors are hoping to take up the work with renewed energy, later on, with a view of discovering the reef, which no doubt exists in the vicinity. —


Find Under Old Alluvial Workings

Three ounces of free gold was obtained at Mintaro last week by Mr. T. H. McDonald and his son, of Glenelg. The gold was in a lode formation, 25 feet below the old alluvial workings, and the prospectors put through a ton and a half of dirt with cradle and pan for the sample which they have brought to the city.

They will return to the field today. The show looks promising. Mr. McDonald stated yesterday that he has been working on private property for 10 weeks under a right from Mortlock's Mintaro Estate. There are about 20 other men on the same property, but anything they have found appears to have come from the old workings.

The old alluvial field is close to Mintaro, and prospectors and others appear to have pottered about it intermittently for years without searching at any depth.


The Nackara Arc extends from Mount Lofty to Olary, and separate the lower-lying Cainozoic terrains of the northwestern Murray Basin and southeastern Lake Frome region.


The S.A. Government says 'Yes' to Gold

Significant occurrences in the Nackara Arc include the Pitcairn RangeDustholesEukaby HillKings Bluff and Mintaro Goldfields;

the CopperlinkaBoomerang–Coo-eeGolden DewdropRoyal CharlieOrama Hill and Welsh Prince Mines; and Johnsons GullyOodlawirraLovely Gully and Mittopitta alluvial goldfields.




LOCATION: Nackara Arc, South Australia

SIZE: 3430 sq km

STAGE: Early Stage

TARGET: Halloysite | Kaolinite | Copper


Nackara Arc Project covers over 3000 square kilometres across 7 tenements in the Nackara Arc Region of South Australia and is is highly prospective for Kaolin, Rare Earths and Copper.

The project has had a significant amount of historical exploration including at the Franklyn Kaolin – REE Prospect which has a JORC 2012 Exploration Target of 45 to 91 million tonnes of Halloysite-Kaolinite.

The Company (iTECH MINERALS (ASX:ITM)) has a large tenure in the South Australian portion of the “permissive” tract where four occurrences of Cu-Au porphyry style mineralisation is known to occur. None of these has been subjected to modern exploration techniques. The Company will undertake low impact exploration of the prospects to define drill targets and potential Thursday Gossan style deposits.

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