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Casualty Hospital

Clare Casualty Hospital

Clare Casullty Hospita; B-32155.jpeg
Brigadier General Raymond Lionel Leane- Australian War Memorial 4142617.jpeg
Tue 4 Sep 1888 Clare Casualty Hospital.png
The Old Clare Casualty Hospital Built ... Years Ago


Northern Argus (Clare, SA)  Fri 4 Dec 1942:

The old Clare Casualty Hospital (or first Police Barracks) was built 92 years ago (in1850, as a Police Station).


A letter from the S.A. Police Department, Police Commissioner, Brigadier General R. L. Leane's office, dated Nov. 25th., 1942. says:

'The old records are in the Archives and on account of the war cannot be obtained, but a search of the Govt. Gazettes filed at the Police Records office, shows that in the Gazette dated 10/5/1849,

tenders were called for the erection of police premises at Clare,

and in the Govt. Gazette dated 25/4/1850 it is stated that the erection of the Clare Police building would be commenced forthwith.'

'It would appear therefore, that the first police building in Clare was erected in 1850.'


In 1850 the land west of Sections 37 and 40 was Crown Lands.

During that year the Court House was erected on the Crown Lands referred at a cost of £310 and added to in 1864 for a further cost of £198.

(This) Police Reserve,  and the Sections to the north, south and west thereof were surveyed in 1855 and the diagram shows the Court House in position.



Hospital Problems
Hospital Built 92 Years Ago

South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA), Saturday 28 July 1877, page 2


CLARE. July 25, 1877

... There is no sign of stagnation in the building line here. A number of workmen are employed making substantial additions to the Commercial Hotel, and a portion of the Travellers' Rest Hotel is being unroofed preparatory to carrying out. important improvements.

The Casualty Hospital is nearing completion, and when finished will supply a want that has long been felt. 


Northern Argus (Clare, SA), Tuesday 27 November 1877, page 2


[To the-Editor of the Northern Argus.]

Sir—A few years have rolled away since I last enjoyed the pleasure of having a glimpse at Clare, and I confess I was gratified at observing the many improvements that have been effected since then.


.....The old police station has undergone a transformation, and is now called a Casualty Hospital. Such an institution was much needed; but why do the. Government not issue instructions to have the building opened for the benefit of the public?

Are you ever to be treated by Governments with neglect ? Why don't your representatives in Parliament use their influence on your behalf ?


The hospital opened in 1878:

Northern Argus (Clare, SA), Tuesday 23 April 1878, page 2


By an Idler.

After a deal of unnecessary delay the Clare Casualty Hospital has been opened, but after all it does not come up to the expectations of the people, as it was thought to be a retreat for all afflicted ones.

I know three decrepit old fellows who were very patiently awaiting the opening of this institution, but were sorely disappointed when they learnt that they were debarred from entering, being informed that it was only for those who had met with accidents.

I am told that one of them went right away for the purpose of fracturing one of his limbs in order that he might seek a place of rest, or in other words to become a candidate for hospital honors ; but I don't know whether poor 'Daddy' carried out his good intentions. He, however ceased from troubling again, so it is presumed that his experiment was a failure.

The absurdity of having only a couple of beds is patent to all, as mishaps occurring simultaneously, as they often do, would necessitate patients lying on the floor. To make things comfortable half a dozen beds are necessary. 

Hospital Problems
1.  Typhoid epidemic 


The Hobart typhoid epidemic struck during 1887-1888. By the 1890s, typhoid was endemic throughout Australia. In Western Australia, typhoid killed 2000 people. 

  • The mortality from typhoid, and acceptance of germ theory, eventually led to the sewering of Melbourne after 1897. 


Northern Argus (Clare, SA), Friday 9 June 1899, page 2

The Clare Hospital.

Under the above heading the following letter, addressed to the editor, appeared in the Areas Express (published at Gladstone of May 26.

— Sir

— As editors of respectable papers have credit for being able to exercise strong influence in all public questions, I at once urge on you to put a stop to the wicked system, as it appears to me, of a lot of patients suffering from typhoid being brought into Clare in order to suit the convenience of the two doctors who live there.

These sick people are distributed about the little town in small dwellings. I hear of one small cottage of four rooms having no less than six of them.

Fever patients ? Yes ! and it is said that one of these doctors state that there is no danger of infection from their typhoid patients.

Why is not the Clare Hospital used for all such cased ? This institution is open, with every requisite, besides a married couple, who are waiting for something to do.

Why in the name of common sense are these fever patients allowed to be huddled together with private families while a public hospital is standing empty, into which about 16 patients could be taken and treated ?

Why do the people of Clare submit to this disgraceful state of affairs ?

I am assured that the town is ruled by a small clique, and the sooner this is altered the better.

I am, Sir, &c,



The editor of the Northern Argus replied:

"We are glad to notice that 'Danger' holds a high opinion of the powers of the Press, but great as those powers may be we fail to see how the editor of the Areas Express can in any way put a stop to the ' wicked system' spoken of......

  • 'Danger's' reference to the Clare Hospital shows his complete ignorance of the town of Clare, and inferentially of the subject he has alluded to.

  • The Clare Hospital is simply a casualty hospital, and could not take in typhoid fever patients, even if it bad 16 beds, which it has not." etc.


Tue 23 Apr 1878 Clare Hospital.png
Hospital opened in 1878
1. Typhoid epidemic
Glimpse Old Clare Casualty Hospital.png
2. Size becomes a problem


Northern Argus (Clare, SA), Tuesday 16 April 1878, page 2


[To the Editor of the Northern Argus.] 

Sir — The poetic effusion (illustrated at left) which appeared in a recent issue of your journal respecting the Clare Casualty Hospital had the effect of causing me to pay a visit to that place.


The persons in charge received me kindly, and with your permission I will proceed to detail what I saw. I entered by the room which has to do duty as a sitting room, dining room, kitchen, wash-house, &c.

  • For the further economising of space and utilising of everything connected with this room, a large boiler is built in one corner, the steam from sick people's clothes rising from this boiler and blending with some delicacy which the matron or nurse is providing for an invalid would I think be appetising in a very high degree.
    [No Kitchen]

  • The next to be considered alongside of this boiler, luxury is the total absence of anything in the shape of cooking utensils. The premises are not even supplied with the orthodox camp oven and quart pot, nor are there any rations provided, so that in the event of any casualty happening, all these things will have to be procured before the unhappy wight could possibly be provided with any of the necessaries of life.

  • 'Easily procured,' I think I hear you say ; but let me inform you, Mr. Editor, that it is not easy to get what you want in a Government establishment....

  • The room adjoining this kitchen, &c, is the keeper's bedroom, tbe two rooms being a skillion attached to the main building, which constitutes the hospital proper, and consists of two rooms about 24 x 16 feet. (I did not measure them.)

  • One of them is totally destitute of furniture, and the other has two iron stump bedsteads in it (not set up), two palliases, and one bed; there were some articles of bedding such as sheets, counterpanes, &c.

  • The building requires to be seen to be appreciated.
    In some places the skirting boards do not meet the flooring; boards, and there are places where you can stick your hand in that have been plugged up with plaster of pans and painted so that it looked quite natural.

  • I next noticed the floor. (Now with regard to hospitals I must confess I am not well up in them.)
    I suppose this kind of floor is peculiar to hospitals ; the boards are wide apart like the floor of a jetty. I suppose the idea is to have the drainage straight away. Any overflow of liquids would trickle gently through and be absorbed in mother earth, tbe great deodoriser.

  • If ever you pay the place a visit, Mr. Editor, I pray you out of pity to the carpenter not to look at the skirting boards, the wainscoting, nor the doors or door frames; they are shrunk a bit, not much, only an inch or two here and there.

  • Altogether the hospital as it is is a disgrace to the place, and utterly useless for the purpose for which it is intended....

I am, Sir, &c,

"The Vagrant."

2. Size becomes a problem
Clare Hospital Poetic Effusion.png
Fri 24 Apr 1914  Shooting Accident.png
3. Private Hospitals Open in Clare

Register (Adelaide, SA), Friday 26 June 1903, page 4


Dr. Bain, for many years a resident of Clare, and highly esteemed for his genial and philanthropic disposition, died at Miss Tibbits's hospital. Adelaide, at 5 o'clock on Thursday morning. His remains will be interred at Clare on Saturday.


An intimate friend of the deceased gentleman has written the following appreciation of his personal character:—

Dear, kind, delightful, generous Dr. Bain was the grand old man of Clare. Gerard Lord Markham, in the piece now playing at the Theatre Royal, wants to be a little ray of sunshine, and make everybody happy. That was the aim and object of Dr. Bain's life. He was the greatest public benefactor Clare ever had or is likely to have. To have known the deceased gentleman was to have loved him.


Dr. Bain went to Clare in 1864 to join Dr. Davies in practice, and resided there until some three or four ytars ago. Dr. Otto Smith had previously gone to Clare and joined the deceased in practice.

The late gentleman continued his profession at Port Gennein, but his health failing, he came to Adelaide for medical treatment.

He was a son of the late Dr. Bain, of Blackwall, London, and has left three brothers, one of whom resides at Formosa, another one in Honduras, and one in London.

Messrs. Hope and Christison and Dr. Bain were pioneers of the vinegrowing industry in the district and on his sections at the head of the Hill River Dr. Bain spent about £3,500 in the purchase of the land, planting, and improvements during the first few years of the undertaking.


Then Dr. Bain gave commodious and up-to-date baths to the town. In the winter these premises were used as a skating rink. But the baths and the rink did not prosper, so the deceased, with the idea of fostering the dairying industry, converted the fine building into a butter factory. This gave a great fillip to butter making.

He did not confine his liberality to the town of Clare, as among other things he donated £1.000 to St. Peter's Cathedral Building Fund. No body ever appealed to the kind doctor in vain, and the outstanding accounts in his books amounted to thousands of pounds.


Dr. Bain always welcomed visitors to tho town. Any concert company or troupe of players he received with open arms. Ha was a great lover of the fine arts, and his addresses when he presided at public meetings or entertainments were highly interesting, and bespoke the man of culture.

It was a terrible wrench for Dr. Bain to leave Clare and go to Port Germein; but lie took his fine lovable disposition along with him, and continued to the end a warm ray of sunshine. His life was gentle, and the elements So mixed in him that Nature might stand up And say to all the world— ''This was a man!' 


Read more: Daring Dr. Bain of Clare

3. Private Hospital Opens in Clare

Chronicle (Adelaide, SA), Saturday 10 June 1899, page 16


June-5.— Present— Mayor (Mr. T. S. Stacy), nnd Crs. Pink, Williams, Blight, Fitzsimons, and Tilbrook.

Health officer reported town free from infectious and contagious diseases, and in a good sanitary state; inspector's report approved.

Mrs. G. H. Bryant granted license for private hospital and maternity home.


South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA), Wednesday 7 February 1900, page 9


CLARE Februarv 5, 1900

On Sunday evening an inquest was held at Mrs. Bryant's Private Hospital, Clare, on the body of Alice Longmire. Mr. W. KeIIv acted as Coroner. The deceased, who was about twenty-eight years of age, was the wife of Mr. John King Longmire, of Koolunga, butcher.

For some weeks she was suffering from hemorrhage, and a week ago was brought to Clare to be under the treatment of Dr. Smith.

On Sunday the patient underwent an operation by Dr. Smith and Butler. The evidence of the doctors went to show that the patient was put under ether, and prior to that the tests showed that her general health was such as to justify an anaesthetic was administered.

Without an operation the patient could not have lived.

Dr. Smith operated, and remained with the patient. After a time the symptoms were such that Dr. Butler was again called, and artificial respiration was resorted to in order to revive the patient, but without avail. 

Mrs. Bryant, Hospital Matron, was present during the operation, and up to the time of the patient's death. She stated that everything possible was done for the deceased. The Jury returned the following verdict— 'The deceased died from failure of the heart's action while coming round from the effects of an anaesthetic.'


Observer (Adelaide, SA), Saturday 11 March 1911, page 14

4. Clare Private Hospital.

CLARE, March 7.—Some months ago the building of a comfortable hospital, surrounded by a wide verandah was begun on one of the many hills of Clare, and the patients have been transferred to the new quarters.

The building formerly used as a hospital was not built for that purpose, but now the deficienccs have been abolished.

A number of Nurse Cooke's friends and admirers of her enterprising spirit invited her to meet them at the new building on Saturday afternoon. Afternoon tea was served, and each friend brought a gift. The collection comprised sheets, blankets, pillow cases, serviettes, china, glass, groceries, jams, and jellies.

Mrs. A. A. Smith said they all admired the pluck and courage with which Nurse Cooke had started her undertaking, and heartily wished her every success.

Mrs. Stacy promoted the gathering that afternoon. The hospital is quite one of the features of Clare, as it overlooks the town from its airy, beautiful situation. The sympathy and goodwill of her friends were much appreciated by Nurse Cooke.


Below: Green Gables (house) as St Margaret Hospital, (still at the top of) Mill St Clare SA 
(1911 - 1924)

Death of Dr. Bain
5. Clare Public Hospital Opens
Dr J D Bain (1838-1903).jpg
5. Clare's New Public Hospital

Blyth Agriculturist (SA), Friday 12 January 1923, page 2


Residents in the district will be interested to know that the ground plan for the above was submitted by the architect and approved. Mr. McMichael is now busy drawing up the building plans, which will be submitted in a fortnight, and alter approval of the committee and the Inspector General of Hospitals, tenders will be immediately called for.

The hospital building is to be of stone,, with the long aspect facing the Farrell's Flat road, and will accommodate at least 20 patients in small wards and six private rooms. A. ten foot verandah will almost surround the building. ...All the buildings are to be of stone.

4. Clare Private Hospitals
Sat 30 Aug 1924 Clare Hospital Opens.png
Fri 7 Sep 1888 Clare Casualty Hospital.png
The Old Casualty Hospital
Sat 16 Oct 1926 Old Clare Hospital.png
The Old Casualty Hospital

The (old) Court House previously referred to was later used as a Casualty Hospital and still later was intended to be used for infectious diseases, but the building was too far from the (new) hospital (above) for economical working.

As the building was no longer required for hospital purposes the area was resumed from control of the Corporation, vide Gazette 14/4/1927, and numbered as Section 481.

This section was offered at auction as a Special Lot under the Crown Lands Act on 15/9/1927, at an upset price of £300, including £150 for improvements, the property of the Architect-in-Chief.

No bid was obtained.

The property is, therefore, still crown Lands and is not under the control of the Corporation.

The balance area of Section 461 under the control of the Corporation is approximately 56 acres.

National Trust Clare Branch Museum.jpeg
An Appeal to Preserve the Hospital.

Northern Argus (Clare, SA), Friday 20 November 1942, page 5


An Appeal to Preserve the Old Clare Casualty Hospital.

[By J. J. Simons, of the Perth 'Sunday Times.']

'The Sunday Times' Western Press Ltd., 32 Stirling Street, Perth, W.A., Nov. 9,1942.


Following other readers' contributions of material relative to the history of the old Clare hospital initiated by 'Clarion' the following may be interesting: — 

'An old couple named Bishop were mentioned by Mr. Jim Hoare in a recent 'Argus' as being in charge in 1882. 

About 1896 when I was a small boy and our family were living at Benny's Hill, we passed the hospital daily. That would be fourteen years after 1882, and the Bishops were then in charge.

About that time one of the notable characters of the town Julius Pricht, a Bavarian painter, was ill and a number of school children decided to call on him just before he passed away, and they were graciously received by Mrs. Bishop, who was a kindly, gentle old English lady.


"Must the old building be destroyed? It seems a pity that one of the oldest links with the beginning of the town should be in danger of passing away. It might be possible to formulate a plan under which the building could be preserved for use as a museum for relics relating to the history of the district."


The fact that it is one of the few buildings with cedar woodwork is in itself of valuable historic interest, while the ancient style of architecture would also be of interest.

The great charm about Clare is the touch here and there of an oldworld character, and while in the name of progress we must not resist the modern, links with the past have a real value and, apart from the sentimental appeal, attract tourists and help to maintain local pride in the people of the past who made the town.

It seems to me that many Clare people fail to recognisei the historical importance of a simple little gravestone in St. Michael's churchyard, on the grave of a little girl and boy named Dennis, a sister and brother of C. J. Dennis, the famous creator of 'The Sentimental Bloke' and whose writings won fame throughout the world. 

Perhaps more than any other man he brought honor to the State which bore him, and as years go on associations with him such as the simple gravestone, will be of increasing value ?

Perhaps there could be some move in Clare aiming at preserving links with the historic past of one of Australia's most interesting towns — it is rich in history.

Do not let us destroy the evidence of its richness.



John Joseph (Jack) Simons (1882-1948),

Youth organizer and businessman, was born on 12 August 1882 at Clare, South Australia, son of Thomas Simons, currier, and his wife Margaret, née Henry, schoolteacher. Simons came to Fremantle, Western Australia, about 1896 and worked for a tinsmith. He was committed to social improvement, Australian nationalism and the Labor Party.


A confident, charismatic and dominant figure at 6 ft 4 ins (193 cm), he became a strong debater, knowledgeable about Australian writing, an advocate of military, naval and industrial self-reliance and an organizer of 'Buy Australian' campaigns. As secretary of the Western Australian National Football League in 1905-14 and founder of the Young Australia Football League (1905) he consolidated Australian Rules football in Western Australia.


Aided by Lionel Boas and others, Simons established the Young Australia League in 1905 to promote 'education through travel'. It developed rapidly as a patriotic, independent, non-political, non-sectarian organization, whose membership included girls, but emphasized boys' activities. The 1909 interstate tour was the first of many and led to overseas tours in 1911, 1914, 1925 and 1929. Other activities embraced literature, debating, band music, sport and theatrical performances. 

Read more: Biography of J.J. Simons

Old Clare Museum.jpg
1. J.J. (Jack) Simons

Clare's Finest Citizen -- Mrs. J. Christison, M.B.E.

Mrs. (Frances) Diana Christison, M.B.E., of  "Weroona" (aka 'Bleak House'), Clare, was the widow of the late Mr. John Christison, who was looked up to and respected by all classes. 

Pictured above: Frances Diana Christison, nee Hope, in 1908

A Clare citizen all her life, Diana Hope was born in Clare at "Wolta Wolta", the Hope family residence in the beautiful wooded country on the West boundary of the town, a spot selected by her father, pioneer John Hope, where her girlhood was spent amid scenic beauty and the quiet of Nature.

She was married to Mr. John Christison, then aged 47 years, at  St. Peter's Anglican Church, Glenelg in 1896. Their family home was "Weroona", in Clare. 

Mr. Christison died in 1911 after 29 years of business as a brewer in Clare and after a period of ill health.  Mrs Christison was proud to be able to launch a new plant at the Clare Brewery on November 20, 1913.


Read more: Generous Mrs Christison

Another Appeal against Demolition

2. Northern Argus (Clare, SA)  Fri 18 Dec 1942  Page 5 


[To 'Clarion.']

Sir — I join with pleasure in Mr. Simons' appeal for the preservation of the old Casualty Hospital — a building of historical and architectural interest.

The diamond-paned windows alone belong to a past age, and are of a glass which cannot be replaced, besides bringing to mind the centuries old beautiful cottages of old English villages.

I am prepared to give cash down £20 — as soon as the Clare hospital authorities start to preserve these windows by boarding up.

I would remind them also that much of the interior woodwork is of cedar, which speaks for itself.


On the one hand we are asked to sentimentalise over the Centenary and the pioneer days—

on the other to demolish in a manner savouring of Nazi-ism a pioneer building which cannot possibly be re-placed.

My wish would be that at the present time only absolutely necessary repairs to render the building waterproof should be attempted; all else left in abeyance until the end of the war.

Then all money raised should be devoted to repairing or rebuilding with the object of forming what can be used as a museum to collect and preserve relics of old Clare and district.


An Early Clare Preservation Society could at any time be formed.

This is an old scheme of mine frustrated by the circumstances of War, and I feel sure that Mr. Simons will agree with me that we could not better honor the pioneers than by such a lasting memorial.

Those of us who cannot at the present time subscribe largely can surely back up Mr. Simons' generous and patriotic proposal by small donations which can be added to from time to time after the objective of £100 has been reached.

But let us achieve the £100 as quickly as possible in gratitude to Mr. Simons.

I am, Sir, &c,



3. Northern Argus (Clare, SA)  Wed 23 Dec 1942 

The Old Clare Casualty Hospital.


[ By 'Clarion.']

Following upon the letter and offer of £20 from Mrs. John Christison, of Clare, for the preservation of the 92 year's old pioneer building to supplement the £100 offer of Mr. J. J. Simons, a confirmatory letter from Perth should be of interest.

It definitely shows that men like Mr. Simons (living away from their birth-place) love and revere the old spot, evidently much more than some of those who live in our midst who lack the pioneer sentiments, that are going to mean so much to Australia in the post war period.



Clare's Finest Citizen
Fri 22 Jan 1943 Decision to Retain  Old Casualty Hospital-2.png
Fri 22 Jan 1943 Decision to Retain  Old Casualty Hospital-1.png
Fri 23 Apr 1943 Old Clare Casualty Hospital.png

Blyth Agriculturist (SA), Friday 29 January 1943, page 2

Old Clare Casualty Hospital


[By "Clarion."]

When the report appeared in last week's "Northern Argus" that the Clare and District Hospital Board had carried a resolution, which, for all practical purposes, meant that! the old Clare Casualty Hospital had been saved for the duration of the war and 12 months thereafter, to enable an Historical or similar Society to be formed in the interest of the Centenary just passed, and the making of a home of historic interest in the years yet to be, it was hailed with delight by many historically minded people.

In fact, one friend in Adelaide, has already written to say:

—'I was very pleased to read of the decision to retain the old Casualty Hospital.'


This is in addition to numerous comments locally, including appreciation from Mrs. John Christison, who feels- a glow of satisfaction that the £20 offered by her will now be used to close the edifice to unauthorised persons.

There was some opposition expressed by members before the Clare Hospital Board meeting, but when all phases were examined under the chairmanship of Mr. A. J. Bowley, the resolution was eventually carried unanimously.

One factor in the decision was the probable influence exercised by two long telegrams from Mr. J. J. Simons of the Perth "Sunday Times," which read as follows :-

—"To Chairman, A. J. Bowley and Members (of the ) Hospital Board. Clare,           18th. January. 1943:—

"Relative my promised donation One Hundred Pounds towards preservation Clare Casualty Hospital subject to equivalent amount being subscribed by other Clare admirers by March thirty-first, am prepared to place in your hands One Hundred Pounds Cash to be held until one year after Peace declared subject to same conditions regarding equal amount subscribed by that time and provided demolition postponed until after war. Stop.

On receiving your advice if condition agreed to will forward cash immediately to be held in Trust.


"Sunday Times," Perth. 19th. January, 19th 1943


—"Further telegram. .

May I respectfully suggest yourself and members that we owe preservation early buildings as our tribute to the Pioneers whose work makes us all so proud of Clare. Stop.

No human power could restore structure once demolished as value material re-covered from wreckage would be infinitesimal compared with rich history significant. Stop.

Understand some advocate destruction; others preservation.

Postponement until war's end would be graceful compromise. Stop.

Suggest peruse my letters to Eric Tilbrook."

(Signed) J. J. Simons."


"Clarion" is pleased to announce that the Clare and District Hospital Board, in agreeing to leave the matter until 12 months after the war, in terms of the above, telegrams, appointed Messrs. A. J. Bowley (Chairman) and E. H. Kelly (Secretary) joint Trustees to open and receive into a Trust Account the £100 cash promised by Mr. Simons, under the terms specified.

They have been invested with powers to operate the account.


Lucy Webb's Diary.png


Fri 20 Nov 1942  Page 5  An Appeal to Preserve the Old Clare Casually Hospital.


The letters by Lucy Webb remind me that among those married at the Penwortham Church of England was 'Bully' Hayes, the famous (or infamous) pirate.

He was the last white pirate known to history, and the books about him are numerous, there is no doubt about the authenticity of this for a facsimile of the marriage certificate on file in Adelaide was published some years ago in the S.A. 'Truth'.

This confirmed the legend with which I was familiar, chiefly through an authority on early South Australian history, named A. T. Sanders, whom you might remember as a constant contributor to the old 'Register.'


I agree entirely with the views on the Old Causalty Hospital expressed by Mr. Simons. In the older lands of England, Scotland and Ireland, nearly every town preserves its old, ancient landmarks with pride.

  1. Shakespeare's old home at Stratford-on-Avon is one of the finest.

  2. Coming to our own land, Vaucluse House in Sydney, the old home of Charles Wentworth, the Father of the Australian Constitution and the explorer who found the way into and behind the Blue Mountains along with his two companion explorers Blaxland and Lawson, is a spot now handed over to the nation. It is rich in antiques and early period history visited by thousands weekly.

  3. In our own State we have not far from Mt. Gambier, 'Dingley Dell,' the white-plastered home of the Australian poet Adam Lindsay Gordon, now preserved for generations yet to be.

Other examples can be provided. These three suffice to give point to the present issue.


It is known, of course, that the chairman and members of the Clare and District Hospital Board, have several reasons why permission to demolish it is being sought from the Architect in Chiefs Dept.

However, they are not the final arbiters, old and cherished public sentiment must be taken into account, as it is truly surprising the number who wish the matter deferred until after the war. — ['Clarion.'] An official of the Architect in Chief's Dept. visited Clare recently to see the building — but the outcome has not yet been revealed says the secretary to the Hospital Board (Mr. E. H. Kelly.)



Decsion to Retain Building
Lucy Webb PRG-231-1-1-L-WEBB.jpeg
Wed 29 Oct 1952 Bed and Cot endowed at Clare Hospital.png
Wed 29 Oct 1952 Bed and Cot endowed at Clare Hospital-2.png
Why Destroy all This?
2. Another Appeal against Demolition
Old Casualty Hospital Renovated
Old Clare Museum.jpg

Northern Argus (Clare, SA), Wednesday 2 June 1954, page 5




THE newly-appointed Town Clerk of Clare, Mr. J. Lindsay Chambers J.P., now of Orrorro District Council, who takes over duties at Clare, during July, 1954 is to live in the Clare Corporation Dwelling on West Terrace at the end of Victoria Road.

This building, now renovated, is the only oldest residence still extant in Clare, a relic of the pioneering days of the Town.

Originally, about 1854 to 1860 it was the Police Barracks, with a stone gaol alongside (now demolished) and ran contiguously to several hundred acres still known as the Police Paddocks, and held by the Corporation on a Pepper-Corn Rental from the Crown for a flora and fauna sanctuary.


It was in this building that the first Court House of the old pioneer days that Magistrates presided over the Local Court.

Later its was the home of Clare District Council offices and still later used as the Clare Casualty Hospital and Infectious Diseases block.

Police troopers of the early period agisted and watered their horses in the near-by Police Paddocks.


To-day the building still retains the valuable diamond framed windows of early architecture, but will only be used by Mr. Chambers as a temporary residence.

There is (or was) a public fund still in existence in Clare & District Hospital Funds of donations of £100 — £20 respectively by the late Clareite and YAL Honorary Director in Perth, Mr. Jack (Boss) Symons and by the late Mrs. John Christison, M.B.E.

They gave this public money in Trust for upkeep of the building to turn into an Historical Museum.

Some years back the Executors of the late J. J. Simons in Perth, when asked to relinquish the money, stated the donation could be used to erect a Memorial and Plaque for something useful in Clare and District Hospital.

Whether this has been done we are unable to say, but a resolution of the Town Council of Clare about 2 or 3 years ago decided to acquire the building for its own purposes.



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