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Previous page: Chapter. 2 Clare to Spalding Railway
The Riesling Trail Story
Chapter 3. Clare Railway Station saga
The Clare Railway Station.
Northern Argus (Clare, SA) Fri 19 Feb 1915 Page 5
The Commissioner of Railways (Mr. Moncrieff) and Engineer-in-Chief (Mr.
Stewart) visited Clare on Tuesday in connection with the Clare Railway Station that is to be.
Various rumors have been current, as to the site chosen.
Captain L. A. Davies (acting Mayor in the absence of Mr. Ohlmeyer) had an interview with the above mentioned gentlemen on Tuesday, when the matter of the selection of site had not been finally decided.
However, we are informed, that the site is likely to be between Mill street and the Stanley Wine Cellars, although the exact position has not been decided upon.
Several surveys have been made for the lines proceeding through Clare,
and it is not yet known which will be selected.
The Clare people would like the station as near to Main street as possible for obvious reasons and no doubt anywhere between Mill street and the (Stanley) wine cellars will suit them.
Clare Railway Station Site.
Northern Argus (Clare, SA) Fri 2 Apr 1915 Page 5
A meeting of members of the Clare Railway Committee was held on Friday
evening last week, and arrangements were made for meeting the Clare Corporation,
the two bodies having been delegated by a public meeting to ascertain more particulars with respect to the suggested station and lines within the corporation boundaries.
Mr. W. G. Lewcock presided, and took advantage of the opportunity to resign the position of chairman, it being the custom for the Mayor for the time being to act as chairman of the railway committee.
A hearty vote of thanks was passed to Mr. Lewcock for his services as chairman, which he duly acknowledged.
A meeting of members of the Clare Corporation and members of the Clare Railway Committee was held on Monday evening to consider the matter of getting more information as to the cost and suggested routes of the railway within the corporation boundaries.
Mr. J. W. Ohlmeyer (Mayor, pictured left) presided, and explained what had been done at the public meeting.
Considerable discussion took place as to how the information required should be procured, and
it was finally decided that the Commissioner of Railways be written to and asked to send an officer to Clare to go over the ground with the Mayor and Mr. Lewcock.
and give the information required at a meeting of the Corporation and Railway Committee to be held on the evening of the day of his visit.

The Register (Adelaide, SA) Fri 16 Apr 1915 Page 11
CLARE, April 15. - The Mayor (Mr. J. W. Ohlmeyer) presided over a large attendance of ratepayers last night to consider the sites suggested for a railway station here.
Meetings have been held before, but information available was meagre, and in reply to a request for more particulars the Commissioner of Railways sent Mr. Moncrieff (Chief Engineer of Railways) and Mr. J. Smart, of the Railway Survey Department, to give full particulars to the meeting.
Those present expressed themselves as much indebted to Mr. Moncrieff for the able manner in which he answered numerous questions, and explained the whole position.
A motion in favour of the Lennon street site was carried, but later the meeting decided almost unanimously to hold a poll of ratepayers to enable all ratepayers to express their views.
Clare Railway Station Site
Northern Argus (Clare, SA) Fri 16 Apr 1915 Page 5
The above well-attended public meeting of rate-payers and others was held at the Clare Town Hall on Wednesday evening to further consider the proposed sites for the Clare Railway station.
Mr. Moncrieff (chief engineer) and Mr. Stuart (who had surveyed the station sites) were present.
The Mayor (Mr. J. W. Ohlmeyer) presided, and explained the object of the meeting. He said Mr. Moncrieff and Mr. Stuart with Mr. Lewcock and himself had gone over the sites and routes through the town that afternoon.
Personally he favoured the Lennon Street site for the station. The matter was open for discussion, and Mr. Moncrieff would be pleased to reply to any questions.
A large number of questions were asked, in reply to which Mr. Moncrieff made the following statements :
— If the station, were at York road, the station property would extend about six chains north of the winery, but the entrance to the station would be south of the winery.
— Asked if it would be possible to bring the platform to the north side of the winery, Mr. Moncrieff said there were only two possible sites for the station, one south of the winery and one at Lennon street.
The site south of the winery was governed by the ruling grade, and it would be practically impossible to bring it further north as the cost would be prohibitive.
The Lennon street station was fixed by the configuration of the country, it would be ideal to place the station on the south side of Lennon street near York road, but it was practically impossible......
On the eastern route a cutting from 20 to 26 feet deep would be necessary.
Their choice lay between the York road station and the Lennon street station.
They had looked at the ground from all points.
The Mill street crossing would be a level one. The approximate distance between the Lennon street station and the winery would be a quarter of a mile approximately.....
The Lennon street station would give better approaches, and plenty of room for prospective expansion, and an entrance could be given at Mill street if required.
At York road station they could not get the same amount of ground, and approaches would not be so good.
From a railway point (of view, the) York road would be the cheapest.
There would be more room at Lennon street; the north end at York road would be somewhat cramped.
York road would give a straighter line, and would save about a quarter of a mile......
The Lennon street site would be easier of approach, and room for teams would naturally be provided in the railway yards.
Messrs. Badger and Gillen spoke in favor of the Lennon street site, and Mr. Lewcock pointed out the advantages of the York road site in cost.
Mr. Victorsen proposed—
'That it be a recommendation to the railways Commissioner that this meeting favored the Lennon street site.'
[A motion in favour of the Lennon street site was carried, but later the meeting decided almost unanimously to hold a poll of ratepayers to enable all ratepayers to express their views.]
Read more:

Northern Argus (Clare, SA) Fri 30 Apr 1915 Page 5
On Saturday last a poll of ratepayers of the town of Clare was taken to decide which station site for the town — York road or Lennon street— should be selected.
Considerable interest was manifested in the matter, and much touting was done by the adherents of both tides.
Motor cars and other vehicles were engaged during the day in taking citizens to the poll.
Mr. J. L. Smith was returning-officer, end shortly after 7 o'clock the scrutiny commenced, resulting in an easy win for Lennon street
The voting was as follows :
— Lennon street, 189; York road, 85; informal, 2.
Clare Railway Station -- Bridge
Blyth Agriculturist (SA) Fri 3 Sep 1915 Page 3
A special meeting of the Corporation of Clare was held
on Monday, August. 30,
Present — The Mayor and Councillors Bails, Kelly, Knappstein, Peace, Pink, and Stacy.
His Worship the Mayor said he had called the meeting to consider the following letter from the Railways Commissioner:
"Commisioner's Office, Adelaide, August 23.
Dear Sir — Your letter of August 10 per favor of Councillor Knappstein has reached my hand, and I now forward you a tracing showing the proposed approaches to the Clare station yard as asked for by Councillor Knappstein.
I am prepared to make an approach on Dominick street and build a bridge over the Hutt River of 30-ft span and 20 ft wide, if the council agree to take over and maintain the bridge and road.
The bridge will be a substantial one of timber, carrying a metal road and resting on concrete abutments.
I shall be glad to have the formal agreement of the town council with this agreement,
Yours faithfully, Alex B. Moncrieff, Railways Commissioner."

The Register (Adelaide, SA) Thu 11 Nov 1915 Page 4
In the Legislative Council on Wednesday, the Chief Secretary informed the Hon. T. Pascoe (pictured at left: -- of Terowie - an authority on wheat growing) that alternative sites having been selected for the Clare Railway Station,
the final decision rested with the Commissioner of Public Works (Hon. H. Jackson).
The estimate of the total cost of the station on the present site was £16,500.
The Register (Adelaide, SA) Fri 12 Nov 1915 Page 4
The Chief Secretary (Hon. A. W. Styles) said that he would bring the matter under the notice of the Commissioner of Public Works (Hon. H. Jackson), when asked by the Hon. T. Pascoe if he would lay on the table of the Chamber the papers relating to the fixing of the site of the Clare Railway Station.
The Register (Adelaide, SA) Thu 25 Nov 1915 Page 4
In the Legislative Council on Wednesday the Chief Secretary (Hon. A. W. Styles) informed the Hon. T. Pascoe that
the Railways Commissioner reported that two sites were suggested by the railway officials for the Clare Station,
but no detailed estimates were prepared for either.
It was, however, considered that the station site chosen by the poll of ratepayers, would probably have led to an expenditure of approximately £10,000 more than the other.
It might be pointed out that on further investigation and completion of survey, it was decided not to adopt either of these sites;
a third site, near Dominic Street, Clare
gave an improved line and greater facilities,
and the cost would probably not be as much as if the site chosen by the local people had been adopted.
Clare Railway Station Site Costs
Northern Argus (Clare, SA) Fri 3 Dec 1915 Page 5
At the meeting of ratepayers held at the Clare Town Hall on Friday evening last
Mr. T. P. Gillen called attention to the answers which had been given in Parliament with regard to questions asked about the Clare Railway Station site.
He and many others thought these were altogether misleading, although perhaps not willfully so.
He thought the station would cost considerably more than £16,000, and they had been led to believe it would cost from £20,000 to £25,000, and it was absurd to state that the cost of the present site would not be at much as for the cite chosen, by the poll of ratepayers.
He failed to see where the greater facilities were provided at the present site over those of the site selected by the ratepayers at the poll taken.
In reply to a question at the public meeting Mr. J. C, Moncrieff (Chief Engineer for Railways) stated there were only two possible sites,
one south of the winery and
one in Lennon street, and that
to place the station where it is now, would be practically impossible as the cost would be prohibitive.
Lennon street was more suitable than any other site, as there was room for extension.
When the vote of the ratepayers were taken and carried by such a large majority, no one thought that any person would be bold enough to change the site from Lennon street.
There would be an upgrade of 1 in 30 into the railway station yard,
and he understood that in the station yard itself there would be a grade of 1 in 40.
He suggested that it should be recommended to the Corporation that the following questions be sent to the members for the district to be asked in Parliament:
—1, What was the amount expended by the Government on the railway station site at Clare before the contract was given to Mr. Baxter.
—2. What was the amount of Mr. Baxter's contract (and the terms) accepted by the Government for the completion of the work at the above-mentioned site.
Mr. W. G. Lewcock (pictured at Left) said he had been deputed to go around with Mr. Moncrieff when be was in Clare and inspect the sites, and that gentlemen had said the cost of the two sites would be £13,000 and £23,000 respectively.
He had pointed out the enormous expenses required to shift the earth from the hill near Miss Young's.
Mr. Ohlmeyer said the figures quoted by Mr. Lewcock applied to the Lennon street and York road sites, and not to the site where the station was being made.
It was resolved on the proposition of Mr. Gillen, seconded by Mr. Harmer, that the Corporations send the questions as given above to the members for the district to be asked in Parliament.
It was also resolved on the proposition of Mr. A. E. Smith, seconded by Mr. Lewcock, that the following question also be sent :—
" —Whether the present (third) site was recommended in preference to the Lennon street site by the officers of the department."
Wood and Iron?

The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA) Sat 9 Dec 1916 Page 18, DEPUTATIONS
Mr. H. N. Barwell, M.P., on Friday presented a petition to the Commissioner of Public Works (Hon. H. Jackson) from residents of Clare, asking that stone instead of wood and galvanised iron as proposed, should be used for the raiway station building at that town Mr Jackson promised to look into the matter.
Blyth Agriculturist (SA) Fri 30 Mar 1917 Page 2
A meeting of the local committee was held in the Mayor's Parlor on Tuesday evening...
A deputation was also arranged to protest to the Commissioner against the erection of a wood and iron railway station in Clare.
Ohlmeyer Fauna & Flora park
(as it's now known) was originally the Railway reservoir.
This catchment supplied water for the steam trains at the railway station,
apparently gravity fed, and
probably following the low lying areas to the station
where it was stored for use by the trains.
The secluded site has seen it's share of misery over the years with 2 drownings in 1969 and 1974.
It's a pretty walk around the water and keen birdwatchers will find a variety of local birdlife in attendance.
For anyone in need of a spot of fishing, redfin can be found both in these waters and Inchiquin Lake in Clare.
Chronicle (Adelaide, SA) Sat 7 Apr 1917 Page 16
Taking advantage of the presence of the Commissioner of Public Works (Harry Jackson, pictured left) in Clare, deputations waited on him on March 29.
A request was made for the extension of the Riverton to Spalding railway north of Clare as early as possible, the deputation consisting of Messrs. Dennison, Jettner, J. B. Scott, and E J. Score.
Mr. S B. Castine asked that the Government take over the completed portion of tho line from Riverton at an early date.
The Commissioner said there were many difficulties in the way of extending the line, notably the lack of money and labor, but he would put their request before Cabinet.
The Government were only too anxious to take the line over, but the contractor was carrying out the work under such great difficulties that they could not think of assessing any penal clauses in the contract, and could not take it over until he was ready to hand it to them.
Messrs. Badger and Bails asked that a reservoir for the use of the town might be constructed by the Government,
on the same terms and conditions as other reservoirs In the State had been constructed,
and failing that, that the railway reservoir might be constructed at Birks' site,
so that it could be made larger at a later date, so as to reticulate the town from it.
The Commissioner said he was pretty certain that the Government could make no better offer than had already been made for the construction of a reservoir for Clare at a cost of 4 per cent, on the outlay.
He would see what could be done.
The Mayor (Mr. J. D. Gilchrist) asked that if nothing was done at Birks', the reservoir should be held over for a time.
Mr. Jackson replied that they would not be able to let the work stand over, as they could not get suitable water for the engines anywhere except at Clare.
Mr. Gillen asked that the station at Clare be built of stone instead of wood.
Mr. Jackson said he would look info the matter, and if the difference in cost was not too great he would have a stone building erected.
The Register (Adelaide, SA) Wed 8 Aug 1917 Page 6
In the Legislative Council on Tuesday the Hon. T. Pascoe asked what amount had been expended on the Clare Railway Station.
The Commissioner of Public Works (Hon. J. G. Bice) replied that the Acting Railways Commissioner (Mr. J. McGuire)
had fixed the amount at £15.260,
together with £620 for station buildings.
That sum included the necessary accommodation works in making entrances from the town,
and also a short portion of the line towards Spalding, which had already been constructed.
Anecdotally, this was the most expensive SA Railway Station to be built, says John Wilson in Riesling Railway, p.34.
Premier visits Clare Railway Station
Northern Argus (Clare, SA) Fri 12 Oct 1917 Page 5
On Wednesday SA Premier Sir Richard Butler,
accompanied by Mr. H. N. Barwell, M.P.
and Mr. Nicholls, M.P., visited Clare
and were met at the railway station by the Mayor (Mr. J. D. Gilchrist),
town councillors, members of the railway committee,
and Mr. C Mann, engineer of the railway.
Above: Sir Richard Butler
Right: Former South Australian premiers
(from left) Robert Richards,
Lionel Hill and
Henry Barwell meet with then Premier Tom Playford in 1940
(Moustaches now out of fashion )
The deputation had several requests to make of the visiting politicians,
the first of which was that York road be not closed, but be kept open from Young street to Dominic street.
The Mayor pointed out to Sir Richard an the spot the advisableness of this, and he took a favorable view of the suggestion.
Another matter referred to was the approach to Mr. Lewcock's property, the metalling of Young street,
and the inconvenience of passenger traffic having to cross the rails while shunting was being done to get to the station.
Sir Richard promised to bring the matters before Cabinet, he being favorably impressed by the requests.
(Pictured left:) A visit was afterwards paid to the Stanley Wine Cellars, (Dominic Street) where the party was entertained by Mr. Knappstein.
The Ministerial party afterwards inspected the railway route for a few miles north of Clare.
Move the Clare Railway station.
Northern Argus (Clare, SA) Fri 8 Jul 1921 Page 3
A well-attended meeting was held at the Town Hall on Monday evening to
consider matters in connection with the railway station.
The Mayor (Captain L. A. Davies, formerly of India) presided, and said that it was three years that day since the railway station had been opened.
They all recognised that the station arrangements were bad, in that the traffic had to cross the rails to get to the passenger station ;
the position had been made worse by the erection of a shed on the north side.
When the Premier had been in Clare in April the Corporation had waited on him, and pointed out the situation,
with the result that a letter had been received that week from the Premier's office,
stating that the Railway Commissioner had approved of the widening of the roadway and the placing of a bell at the crossing.
The Mayor said that to widen the road way would be an advantage, but that would be little use unless the shed was removed.
He was of opinion that the crossing was dangerous, and understood that a suggestion would be made to have the passenger station removed to the west side of the line. He invited discussion....
​(Read all the discussion...)
After further discussion the mover and seconder consented to alter the wording of the proposition as follows :
— ' That the present position of the passenger station is positively dangerous, and in the interests of the public safety the Government be asked to erect a passenger station on the same side of the line as the goods shed, viz., the western side.
This was carried unanimously.

Wrong Side of the Railway Tracks
The Register (Adelaide, SA) Wed 21 Jun 1922 Page 6
The Commissioner of Public Works and Minister for Railways (Hon. W. Hague) stated on Tuesday that
it had been decided to move the Clare Railway Station to the opposite side of the line to that on which it now stood.
This would involve an expenditure of approximately £3,000.
This action on the part of the Government is the result of considerable agitation on the part of residents of Clare, who
contended that the site of the station incurred considerable danger to persons and vehicles approaching the station from the township.
The site of the station, it was stated, had been suitable when it had been the terminus of the line,
but since the railroad had been extended into Spalding it had become necessary to make a crossing,
which had turned out to be a most dangerous one.
By the removal of the station to the other side of the line it is considered that all danger will be obviated.
The Express and Telegraph (Adelaide, SA) Mon 28 Aug 1922 Page 4
While the Premier (Sir Henry Barwell) was at Clare on Saturday,
the Mayor (Dr. O. Wien-Smith) waited upon him
and once more voiced the desire of the residents to have the railway-station shifted to the opposite side of the line.
The situation of the station has not met with general approval since it was first erected,
and the mayor pointed out that there had been a number of narrow escapes from accident.
The Premier promised that the wishes of the townspeople would be complied with.
The Register (Adelaide, SA) Wed 30 Aug 1922 Page 10
Mr. Gunn, in the SA House of Assembly, on Tuesday, said the Premier (Sir Henry Barwell) had, during his visit to Clare, over the weekend, promised the residents of that town that the Government would remove the railway station to the opposite side of the line.
That station had been constructed only a few years ago, at a great expense to the State.
Mr. Gunn wanted to know who had been responsible for having established it on the present site?
The Premier, in reply, said he thought a recommendation was made by the officers of the department, but that the site was fixed by a Ministerial instruction.
Although he was not certain, he believed that the Minister who held the Public Works portfolio at the time was Mr. Harry Jackson.
Mr. Gunn — Did not the engineer recommend the site?
The Premier—The engineer made certain recommendations,
but I think that those recommendations were not followed,
and the site was fixed on Ministerial instruction.
It is beyond all question that the station ought never to have been built on the particular site.
On the present, as well as on previous visits to Clare, I have said that some alteration should be made.
Mr. Gunn — I agree with you, But who recommended the present site?
The Premier said if Mr. Gunn required it, he would get particulars.

The Express and Telegraph (Adelaide, SA) Thu 7 Sep 1922 Page 1
Recently the Premier stated that it was intended to remove the Clare railway
station to the opposite side of the railway line, as it was a source of danger in its present position.
The Premier at the time said he believed the Commissioner of Public Works of the day (Mr. Jackson) had decided upon the present site against the advice of his officers.
In the Assembly on Thursday Mr. Hill referred to a statement made in a Port Pirie paper by Mr. Jackson, that at the time there were difficulties in regard to the station, and he had adopted the recommendation of his officers in placing the station where it was.
He asked the Premier if was a fact that Mr. Jackson had acted against advice of his officers.
The Premier said he was speaking from memory when he made the statement: but he would ascertain what the real position was.
The Register (Adelaide, SA) Thu 21 Sep 1922 Page 6
Mr. Lionel Hill (future Premier, illustrated left and above) again pursued his enquiries in the Assembly on Wednesday into the origin of the selection of the site for the Clare Railway Station.
He asked the Premier (Sir Henry Barwell) whether he had the report from the railway officers which had been promised on the previous day.
The Premier, quoting from the document told Mr. Hill that
the Hon. J. Jackson, who held the office of Commissioner of Public Works at the time,
had come to the decision for the site of the station,
but the officers of the Railway Department had been responsible for the lay-out.
Mr. Hill asked
— Which is the cause for the suggested removal of the station
— its site
— or its lay-out?
The Premier— The site is the principal cause.
The lay-out of the station was carried out in accordance with the usual practice with such work.
The site was a most unfortunate one,
being close to a high embankment,
and having a narrow entrance.
Mr. Hill — The late Commissioner of Public Works recommended the site.
The Premier — He was in no way responsible for the lay-out of the station.
Mr. Hill— Did the officers of the department report against that site?
The Premier—There were conferences between the Commissioner and officers, but it is not on record what took place at them.

The Register (Adelaide, SA) Thu 9 Aug 1923 Page 8
The Premier, in answer to Mr. Nicholls, stated that the Clare Railway Station was moved over to the new location about a fortnight ago, and was now
in use in that position. A few items still remained to be moved (a crane
and a few other appointments), but that work would be finished next week. Passengers were, of course, now using the station, in its new position.

SA Premiers & Politicians involved
in the Clare Railway story
Hon. T. Playford II, Commissioner of Public Works, 28 Jun 1884
to urge the construction of a line of railway from Riverton to Clare.
(1837–1915), Premier of South Australia, 1887–1889 and 1890–1892
Served in Multiple Electorates, Represented multiple parties
Mr. Edward. W. Hawker, M.P., Member for Stanley electorate,
28 Jun 1884
Mr. J. J. Duncan, M.P., later Sir John James Duncan. Member for Wooroora electorate, 28 Jun 1884
Sir Richard Butler M.P., Member for the Barossa 1899-1924, appointed Treasurer in Jenkin's 1901 ministry, Premier in 1905, knighted in 1913, 13 Apr 1923, 8 Sep 1920, 12 Oct 1917
Northern Railways Royal Commission, 19 Apr 1912
Mr. E.H. Coombe (chairman),
Hon. E. Lucas, M.L.C., later Sir Edward Lucas
Messr. R. P. Blundell, M.P.,
Messr. G. Ritchie, M.P., later Hon Sir George Ritchie KCMG
Messr. W. Jamieson, M.P.
Hon. H. N. Barwell, Member for Stanley 1915-1925, later Sir Henry Barwell, SA Premier 1921-1924,
17 Aug 1920, 15 Mar 1921, 9 Dec 1916, 12 Oct 1917, 28 Aug 1922, 21 Sep 1922, In 1902, Barwell married Anne Webb in Clare, South Australia.
Sir Henry Lionel Galway, KCMG, DSO (1859 – 1949), Governor of South Australia from 18 April 1914 until 30 April 1920. 13 Jul 1918
Premier Hon. A. H. Peake, M.P., Member for Alexandra, 13 Jul 1918
Mr. J. Gunn M.P., Leader of the Opposition, later Premier 1924-1926,
13 Jul 1918, 11 Sep 1920, 28 Aug 1922
Mr. R. D. Nicholls, M.P., later Sir Robert Nicholls, Member for Stanley, 1915-1956, 13 Jul 1918, 12 Oct 1917, 9 Aug 1923
Mr. W . Harvey, M.P., Member for Newcastle 1918-1933, 13 Aug 1920
Hon. W. Hague, M.P. Member for Barossa 1912-1924,
23 Feb 1922. 8 Sep 1920, 21 Jun 1922
Hon. T. Pascoe, M.L.C. Northern District, 1900-1933,
11 Nov 1915, 12 Nov 1915, 25 Nov 1915, 8 Aug 1917 , 8 Aug 1917
Hon. H. Jackson, M.P., Member for Stanley 1906-1915, Member for Port Pirie 1915-1918,
11 Nov 1915, 12 Nov 1915, 9 Dec 1916, 7 Apr 1917, 7 Sep 1922
Hon. A. W. Styles, M.L.C. Central District 1, 1910-1918,
12 Nov 1915, 25 Nov 1915
Hon. J. G. Bice, M.L.C. Northern District, 1894-1923, 8 Aug 1917
Hon. Lionel Hill, M.P. Member for Port Pirie 1918-1933, SA Premier 1926-1933, 7 Sep 1922, 21 Sep 1922

SA Premier 1887–1889 and 1890–1892 for various liberal groups. Later SA Senator from Federation (1901 - 1906) then was Minister for Defence from 1905 to 1907.

23rd SA Premier March to July 1905 for LDU, Leader of the Opposition from 1905 to 1909

SA Premier 1926 – 1933 for the Labor Party

SA Premier 1887–1889 and 1890–1892 for various liberal groups. Later SA Senator from Federation (1901 - 1906) then was Minister for Defence from 1905 to 1907.

Father George Charles Hawker was MP for North Adelaide, and both sat in the House concurrently.

Later the Leader of the Liberal Party 1901-1913. Gracious and greatly respected.

A controversial member for Labor, he worked with the Trans-Australian Railway.

Father George Charles Hawker was MP for North Adelaide, and both sat in the House concurrently.
SA Premiers Involved
SA Politicians Involved
Keep Reading: Chapter 4. Clare Railway Declines
In this series:
The Story of Clare's Riesling Trail
Chapter 1: Clare gets a Railway
Chapter 2: Clare to Spalding Line
Chapter 3: Clare Railway Station saga
Chapter 4. Clare Railway declines
Chapter 5: Riesling Trail Planning & Building